Six Tips for Restorative Sleep

Introduction to journal entry can go here. This is in Paragraph Style 1. Introduction to journal entry can go here. This is in Paragraph Style 1. Introduction to journal entry can go here. This is in Paragraph Style 1. Introduction to journal entry can go here. This is in Paragraph Style 1. Introduction to journal entry can go here. This is in Paragraph Style 1.


Make a List

If your brain tends to race as your head hits the pillow consider a download prior to getting in bed. Grab a pen and piece of paper (yes, a real pen and piece of paper it is more effective than typing into your computer or phone and does not come with blue light) download your thoughts onto the paper in a bullet style list. This list can serve as a reminder of what you want to address in the morning or as a way of releasing ruminative thoughts about something you said or did during your day that isn’t sitting well. Scan your brain for any residual thoughts on the day and then cap your pen and put your paper away. Make sure not to carry it into your bedroom space. Take a deep breath and consciously tell yourself that you have released these thoughts so that you can have a restful night’s sleep.


Create a Calm Bedroom Space

Remove clutter from your bedside table. Consider an aromatherapy diffuser for lavender or another calming sent that supports rest and sleep. Try to avoid using your bedroom space for other activities especially those that engender agitation, stress, or negative thoughts. Visualize your ideal sleep space: what is and is not there?


Take a Child’s Pose

Forward folding relieves tension and anxiety and shifts the body into a parasympathetic or rest/digest mode. Right before you get in bed move your body in any way it feels supportive stretch/dance/move and then settle into a child’s pose (knees beneath you or wide, torso toward the ground, forehead on the ground or touching a pillow or block (this activates the vagus nerve again stimulating a parasympathetic response). You can support yourself in any way that allows you to sink-a pillow or bolster between the knees, a rolled towel under your ankles, a block or pillow under your forehead. Take deep long inhales and exhales that are even in length. Recommendation is to stay in this supported posture for 3-6 minutes. Try to keep your eyes soft or closed and tuck yourself into bed.



Equal Ratio Breathing

Once you are in bed stay attentive to your breath and use equal ratio breathing to focus your mind and maintain a calm nervous system. Aim for a six count in and six count out. Keep the inhale and exhale through the nose and as even as possible. Actively count in your mind six, five, four, three, two, one counting down as our mind tends to want to keep going if we count forward and concentrating on the count so that you don’t go back into your download list.


Middle of the Night

If you do wake up in the middle of the night return to your equal ratio breathing. Place a hand on your abdomen and a hand on your heart and use compassionate self-talk to tell yourself you are okay and can fall back into gentle sleep. Avoid looking at the clock so that you don’t go into anxious mind about how tired you will be, how soon you have to get up etc. If you don’t fall back asleep after about 15 minutes get up and get a drink of water, use the bathroom, go back to child’s pose until you are tired and then return to bed so that your bed does not become associated with the stress of insomnia.


Use a Mantra

I am safe and secure and deserve peaceful rest. Mantras are personal so find words that resonate with you. Repeat these words to yourself while breathing. Place your hands on your heart and abdomen or where they want to rest naturally and feel their weight as you repeat your mantra to yourself in your mind.

Rest well.

Paige Buda

Design Studio crafting grounding and compelling brand ecosystems for conscious businesses through brand strategy, design, sustainable packaging and Squarespace websites.

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